User's Manual

8 – Remote operation : Selecting devices for transport control
TASCAM DM-3200 User’s Manual 95
CHASE This applies to DTRS units, and allows the
CHASE mode of the selected unit to be turned on or
off. Any unit which can have its chase mode con-
trolled by the DM-3200 has this item represented by
a square box. Units whose CHASE mode cannot be
remotely controlled have this item represented by
two dashes (
--). Use the cursor keys to navigate to the
list item, and the
ENTER key to toggle between on (a
check mark is shown in the box) and off (the box is
TRA This parameter allows the transport controls of
the DM-3200 to control the transport of the selected
device (
Only one device at a time can be selected for trans-
port control, as shown by the circled
symbol. If a
device has been selected for transport control, and it
is required to control another device, the first device
selected for external control will automatically be de-
selected from transport control.
If the device is not active when an attempt is made to
assign the transport control here, a popup message
appears and the assignment is not made.
An exception to the above is when the internal time-
code generator is selected for control—in this case,
the automation sync source may be set to the internal
generator using a popup message.
Some machines may unthread the tape if the
key is pressed while the transport is stopped.
The exact way in which the transport controls work
with the external device depends on the capabilities of
the device. For instance, the notion of “record” is not
very meaningful when applied to the internal timecode
If you require further information on the control fea-
tures of a specific device that are not detailed here,
please contact your TASCAM support personnel, who
should be able to supply you with further information.
REC This allows the selection of the REC keys ( the
REC key above the stereo fader + the channel SEL
keys) on the DM-3200 which arm the tracks on the
remote external device.
Use the dial to choose between
1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32,
33-40 and 41-48 (8 tracks), 1-16, 17-32 and 33-48 (16
1-24, 9-32, 17-40 and 25-48 (24 tracks).
Use the
ENTER key to confirm the choice.
An appropriate pop-up error message is displayed if
an attempt is made to assign two overlapping groups
REC controllers. Use the ENTER key to accept the
new assignment, or the cursor keys to dismiss this
message and return to the previous assignment.
The module
keys only have effect on channels 1
through 48.
All safe The ALL SAFE key above the STEREO
fader can be used to turn off the track arming for all
tracks for all assigned
REC keys. While ALL SAFE
is active, the
REC keys are disabled, until ALL SAFE
is turned off again. The recording status that was
active before the
ALL SAFE was turned on is
restored when
ALL SAFE is turned off again.
Transport mapping memories
So that commonly-used machine control settings can
be stored and recalled easily, the DM-3200 provides
10 memories of machine control transport mappings
(numbered from 0 through 9).
Each of these may contain a device (only one) which
may be controlled by the transport control facilities
of the DM-3200.
Each of these mappings also includes the
SCR setting
and the
TRA setting.
As an example of the practical use of this, take the
example of three tape units connected to a VTR,
chasing to timecode supplied by the VTR. Usually,
the transport keys will control the VTR, and the
keys will control the three tape units. The tape units
will be locked and chasing the VTR. Sometimes,
though, it will be necessary to control the tape units
directly. Recording functions are still assigned to the
tape units.
The mappings are automatically assigned when the
TRA AUTO DETECT button is “pressed” after the units
have been added to the list.
A pop-up window appears asking if the autodetect
process should take place (as it will delete all previ-
ous mappings).
ENTER to continue with the autodetection, or
any of the cursor keys to cancel the process.