User Manual

5 - Using the Settings Panel
COMPRESSOR display area overview
When the input volume exceeds the THRESHOLD level, the input
volume is compressed, reducing output volume variation.
For example, by reducing the levels of loud sounds, lower level
sounds become relatively louder, creating a more even volume
level throughout and a more sustained sound.
1 Compressor status display
Three meters show the level of the signal input to the
compressor (INPUT), the level of the signal output from the
compressor (OUTPUT) and the gain reduction caused by the
compressor (GR).
Sets the threshold level that will cause the compressor to
Range: -32 dB - 0 dB (default: 0 dB)
3 RATIO knob
Sets the compression ratio for the input volume.
Turning it right raises the compression ratio, increasing the
amount of compression.
Range: 1.0:1 - inf:1 (default: 1.0:1)
4 GAIN knobs
Sets the gain of the output signal.
When the volume is compressed, the output level becomes
lower than the input level. Use the GAIN knob to increase the
output level so that it is close to the input level.
Range: 0 dB - 20 dB (default: 0 dB)
5 ATTACK knob
Sets the amount of time until the compression reaches the
compression RATIO setting after the input volume exceeds
the threshold.
Range: 2 ms - 200 ms (default: 2 ms)
6 RELEASE knob
Sets the amount of time until the compression stops and
the sound returns to its uncompressed level after the input
sound goes below the threshold level.
Range: 10 ms - 1000 ms (default: 10 ms)
i If the input is a stereo signal (stereo-linked channel or
master), compression will start and be applied to both
channels when either the left or right input channel exceeds
the threshold level.
i When the compressor is off, the compressor curve will appear
but the meters will not be active.
REVERB display area overview
This effect adds reverberations to the original sound. Multiple
sounds are delayed at various times with damping over time
that is as natural as possible to produce reverberations like
those of a hall, live-music club or studio, for example.
1 Reverb status display
This shows the setting status of the PRE DELAY and REVERB
TIME knobs.
2 Reverb type switch
Use to select the type of reverb.
Depending on the type, the density and level of the reverb
sound changes.
Options: HALL (default), ROOM, LIVE, STUDIO, PLATE
3 PRE DELAY knob
Set the amount of delay until the first reverberations.
The larger the value, the larger the reverberations make the
room sound.
Range: 0 ms - 250 ms (default: 90 ms)
Set the amount of time that the reverberations continue.
The larger the value, the longer they continue.
Range: 0.1 s - 10 s (default: 2.7 s)
Sets the breadth of the reverberations.
Range: 0 - 100 (default: 20)
In the menu bar, open the View menu and click Initialize
Reverb to reset the settings shown in the REVERB section to
their default values. (see “Resetting the reverb settings on
page 23)