Instructions / Assembly

In the event of strong wind, the trampoline can be blown away. If you are expecting strong wind, the trampoline must be
placed in a sheltered position or dismantled. Another option is to secure the round outer part (top frame) of the trampoline in
the ground with the help of ropes and stakes. Make sure that the connection at the bottom reaches to the middle of a frame
part. For a secure positioning, at least three connections must be placed in the ground. Don’t just secure the feet of the tram-
poline in the ground as these can be pulled out of the frame holders.
Trampolines higher than 51 cm are not suitable for use by children under the age of 6.
To brake a jump, you just have to rapidly bend your knees before these come into contact with the trampoline mat. This
technique should be practiced while learning the individual basic jumps. The braking technique should always be used if you
lose your balance or control of your jump.
First get used to the feeling of jumping on the trampoline. Concentrate on the basic body positions and practice every jump
(the basic jumps) until you can perform them easily and in a controlled manner.
jump is a jump in which your starting and landing point on the mat are identical. If you move on to the next jump without
Don’t jump too long on the trampoline as exhaustion increases the risk of injury. Only jump for a short time and then allow
others to take part in the fun! The trampoline should only be used by one person at a time.
The trampolinist should wear a T-shirt, shorts or a pullover, as well as proper gym shoes, heavy socks or go barefoot. If you are
a beginner, to protect yourself from scratches and grazes you should wear a long-sleeve T-shirt and long pants until you have
mastered the correct landing positions and forms. When on the trampoline, do not wear shoes with hard soles, such as tennis
shoes, as these excessively wear down the material of the mat.
or roll yourself on to the frame, across the springs and on to the trampoline mat. Always remember to put your hands on the
Don’t practice any daredevil jumps on the trampoline as this increases the risk of injury. The key for safety and fun on the
trampoline is the control and mastery of the various jumps. Never try to jump higher than another trampolinist! Never use
the trampoline on your own without a spotter.
frame padding, standing on the springs or jumping from another object (e.g. a terrace, a roof or a ladder) on to the trampoline
Consumption of alcohol or medicines: Do NOT consume alcohol or medicine if you use this trampoline! This increases the risk
One trampolinist at a time: If there are several trampolinists on the trampoline (more than one trampolinist at the same time
another trampolinist or land on the springs. In general, the lightest person on the trampoline is the one to be injured.
Touch the frame or the feathers: When jumping on the trampoline, stay in the MIDDLE of the mat. This decreases the risk of
injury by landing on the frame or springs. The frame padding must always cover the trampoline frame. Do NOT jump or climb
directly on the frame padding as it is not suitable for bearing the weight of a person.
Loss of control:
how to jump on a trampoline. Otherwise, you increase your risk of landing on the frame, on the springs or even outside of
the trampoline altogether. A controlled jump is a jump in which your starting and landing point on the mat are identical. If
you lose control when jumping on the trampoline, bend your knees as you land. This enables you to regain control and stop
the jump.
Somersaults: Do not perform ANY somersaults (front or backwards) on this trampoline. If you make a mistake when doing a
somersault, you can land on your head or neck. This can lead to a broken neck or back, which could result in death or paralysis.