User Manual

current song you’re listened to. Artist and track name from
the following song also appear. By clicking Right, you can
exercise the option to “Beam Music”, “Add Song to a Playlist”,
or “Delete from Disk.”
[insert image of Now Playing window, either here or in the
small column to the right]
Now Playing not only tells you what you’re listening to but
gives you the opportunity to add the current track to one of
your Playlists.
ToDo List
When you highlight a track or an album and confirm that
you want to download it, what happens? One of two things
takes place:
If you are currently connected to the Internet (and thus have
access to MusicGremlin Direct), the selected item begins to
download immediately.
If you are not
connected to the
Internet, the
tracks or albums
you have
selected are
stored in the
ToDo List. Each
item is marked
for download
and, the next
time you are in a
hot spot or
connected to the
Internet, the
download will
In either case,
the track or
album is sent to
the ToDo List.
Think of the
ToDo List as a
queue for tasks
that haven’t yet
been completed