User Manual

Think of the ToDo List as being like a list of documents to
print that your printer maintains. The list is held in memory
until the printer is available; then the documents are printed
one after another. MusicGremlin’s ToDo List works the same
way. It’s a holding area for downloads, transfers, and other
tasks that MusicGremlin has to perform. If MusicGremlin
starts a download while you’re in a hot spot and you run out
the door and start walking down the street, the download is
interrupted because you’re no longer connected to the
Internet. But thanks to the ToDo List, the next time you
connect to the Internet, the download starts again. You can
use the list to track download progress, begin playback of
tracks in mid-download, and cancel download orders for
subscription tracks and samples if you don’t want them.
When the download is complete, you’ll find the track in My
Music, under Recent Downloads, and sorted by Artist,
Album, Track, and Genre.
Viewing Download Progress
View the download progress of the track currently
downloading by entering the ToDo list from the Home menu.
Progress is indicated by a percentage that is updated
Progressive Downloads
When a track is in progress of being downloaded, clicking
Select on the track or selecting “Play Now” from the track’s
option menu begins playback of the track immediately, even
before the track has completely downloaded.
Canceling a Download:
Clicking Right
on any
track or sample
on the ToDo list
opens the
Options box
that features.
You can choose
Download to
cancel the
whether the
track is queued
or has already
However, if you
download an
individual track,
it cannot be
canceled; it and
must be
before it is