Users Manual

Transmitter LED status indicator
The RGB LED on the transmitter gives you at any moment an indication of your link status. Going from
green to yellow. Once you are in yellow your RSSI values are either very low or you are already in the
low-framerate link mode.
Receiver LED status indicator
There are four (Diversity RX) or two (Nano and Micro RX) LEDs on the receiver giving you an indication of
link- and backup-battery (Diversity RX only) status.
If the receiver is in Find-mode it can be cancelled by pressing the “Bind”-button. So if you are back home
and the receiver still thinks it got lost, you can turn it off like by pressing the button once. Or check the
OLED screen to deactivate the Find-mode from the transmitter (Standard TX).
The on-board LiPo battery in the receiver is automatically charged every time the receiver is used. The
third LED indicators on the receiver’s front face displays the current state of the battery.
Transmitter LED sequence
Ready, trying to connect to receiver or no down link established
Green ▀▀▀
Solid uplink, 150 Hz or 50 Hz link mode active
Yellow ▀▀▀
Unreliable uplink
Blue ▀▀▀
Update of the receiver is running
Fast green flashing
(Standard TX) Transmitter bootloader active
Fast red flashing
Warning, a message is shown on the OLED display/ LUA Script
Purple ▀▀▀
Find-mode engaged (standard TX only)
Receiver LED indicators
Solid green ▀▀▀
Link is up and running OK
Solid red ▀▀▀
No packages received from the transmitter and receiver is in
failsafe mode
Fast red blinking
Receiver needs a update, confirmation on the tx is required
Slow green blinking
Receiver is in binding mode
Fast green blinking
Receiver bootloader active or firmware upgrade
Green is flashing
Diversity RX is in Find-mode (up to 1 min. delay between flashing)
LiPo LED indicator