Users Manual

CRSF Connectivity with flight controller (COLIBRI)
Getting either of our CROSSFIRE receivers connected to the flight controller (BetaFlight/COLIBRI) through
our CRSF serial protocol enables you to have the most accurate and low-latency remote control possible
on the market. By integrating the CRSF protocol end-to-end (currently supported on TBS TANGO,
Taranis/OpenTX, BetaFlight FC, KISS FC and INav) allows you to make the full use of the new bidirectional
In addition to a wide range of telemetry data about the uplink, downlink and the model itself via our BST
protocol, the CRSF protocol also supports remote changes of the flight controller settings (BetaFlight, KISS).
The CROSSFIRE receiver (firmware 1.59 and later) comes our latest digital CRSF V2 (CRosSFire) protocol. It
has the following advantages:
R/C data transferred at high speed serial format
Up to 150Hz , 3x faster than SBUS
Lower latency
CRC protection (error detection)
Bidirectional communication, telemetry capable
Changing settings remotely (via OSD or LUA scripts)
Minimum requirements
To get started, the system requires the following prerequisites:
Flight controller (COLIBRI FC) with one free UART port (no inverter)
Betaflight V3.1, INAV 1.7, KISS or higher, CleanFlight to follow soon
Taranis etc. radio with OpenTX V2.2 or later, TBS TANGO
TBS CROSSFIRE with BETA V1.62 or later