Users Manual

Setting up radio for CRSF
With the CROSSFIRE transmitter in place on the radio, you have to change, or make sure, that the internal
radio is OFF and the external radio protocol (between the radio and transmitter module) is set to CRSF.
On the CROSSFIRE transmitter OLED display, you should now see “RC Input: CRSF V2”, meaning you have
CRSF enabled and running.
Setting up receiver for CRSF
With the CROSSFIRE receiver powered and connected, go into the settings menu, turn “Telemetry” to “On”,
then open the “Output mapping” screen. On the CROSSFIRE MICRO V1, only CRSF TX will be available.
For the CROSSFIRE DIVERSITY RX, change “Output 8” to “CRSF TX” and “Output 7” to “CRSF RX”. While on the
CROSSFIRE MICRO V2 RX, change “Output 1” to “CRSF TX” and “Output 2” to “CRSF RX”.
This will output CRSF on the respective ports on the receiver pin header. 5V compatible.
Micro V2/Nano: