Users Manual

update procedure. For the devices with USB it is very simple. You just press and hold the bind button for
the diversity receiver or the joystick enter button for the transmitter while you plug in the USB cable. The
device will show up inside the TBS Agent and you have the ability to reload the firmware.
For the micro receiver it is a little bit more complicated. As the device itself does not have a USB connecter
the firmware needs to be loaded by BST for emergency update. This requires a TBS CORE PRO or a
diversity receiver. Connect the micro receiver to one of those devices by BST. Press and hold the bind
button of the micro receiver while powering up the TBS CORE PRO or the diversity receiver by USB. In case
of the diversity receiver you need to keep pressing the bind button while powering up the micro receiver
with an own power supply.
The LED of the micro receiver should blink fast which indicates the receiver is in bootloader mode.
Open your TBS Agent and load the latest version. Once the device connected directly to the USB is
updated, the TBS Agent will update the micro receiver too.
For further information you can check this manual.