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Analog Input Level
When Analog Input is selected, Analog gain up to +26dB, or
attenuation to -6dB before the A/D converters may be applied.
For professional signal interfacing, the Level control should
normally be positioned between -6 and +6dB corresponding
with a 0dBFS signal at +22 to +10dBu. If you need more than
6dB gain you should consider raising the Output of the
transmitting device.
For consumer signal interfacing the Level control should
normally be positioned between +18dB and +6dB.
When Analog Input is selected the Clock selection defaults to
INT 48 (Internal 48kHz). This selection may be overruled as
explained in the Sample Rate section.
Fine Balance
Set the balance of the Left/Right channels.
Ranges: 0 to -3dB Left/Right.
The LoCut filter is global, and is used to filter out any sub-bass
frequency or DC contents in the current signal.
Note: The LoCut filter might introduce occasional overshoots
when Hot signals are Input.
Finalizer & ADAT
When using the Finalizer in a setup with ADATs there are a
couple of recommendations to keep in mind.
There are two different situations: An ADAT setup with BRC
(Big Remote Control), and an ADAT setup without BRC.
If the BRC is not connected, the ADAT should be slaved to
incoming Finalizer Clock. Use the following:
1. Connect the Finalizers optical out to the ADAT optical in.
2. Select "Digital in" on the ADAT.
The ADAT will now use the Finalizer clock.
Note: Slaving the Finalizer to the ADAT clock will reduce the
Finalizers A/D converter performance.
When using the Finalizer with ADATs and a BRC it is
recommendable to use this setup:
1. Connect the Finalizers optical out to the ADAT optical in.
2. Connect the ADATs optical out to Finalizer optical in.
3. Enter the In section of the Finalizer (Mainpage) and set the
"Clock" to "ADAT".
This will force the Finalizer to follow the clock of the ADAT.
Note: This is only possible when using the Analog Inputs of the
The ADAT is forced to follow the clock of the BRC. In order to
synchronize the Finalizer to the ADAT, the clock of the ADAT
is used as master clock in the Finalizer.
Insert - External Insert
Instead of internal processing, one of the two Insert points may
be set up for external processing. The Ext. Insert may be
Analog, AES/EBU or S/PDIF depending on your Input choice.
When a Digital Input is selected only an Analog Insert can be
Note: Asking for an External Insert is part of a preset.
Enabling a specific External Insert is part of the Global
parameters - set in In page 1.
When an Analog Insert is specified, the I/O interface levels are
stored with the preset.
If a preset containing an Ext. Insert is recalled, but no Ext.
Insert is available in your current setup, the External Insert is
disabled but still shown in the Insert page, until you change the
Insert configuration in the In or Out page.