Reference Manual Manual

Guitar FX button/section
Play Electric – Reference manual (2014-07-16) 56
Guitar Delay page (4/5)
Similar to the Delay effect in the Vocal FX sec-
tion, Delay allows you to add echo style effects
to your guitar. Tempo for the Guitar Delay block
is shared with the Vocal Delay block, allowing
you to keep guitar and vocal delays in time with
each other.
Level parameter
Controls the level of Delay effects.
Feedback parameter
Feedback defines how many “taps” of echo
there are, which means “how long the delays
last” before fading away.
Style parameter
Defines the way the delay sounds, including its
division (1/4 note, 1/8th note etc.)
Choose from the following styles:
Flashback 2290
Flashback analog
Flashback Tape
Flashback LoFi
Flashback Slap
Edge-Y Mod
Analog Modular
Dotted 1/8
Ping Pong
Ping Pong FX
Long & Thin
Reverb Tank