
Knob Automation Time
When you carefully tap a mixer knob without dragging it will initiate loop automation. Automation will gradually change
the knob from its current value to zero (or centre pan for pan knobs), or if already at zero, the knob will change to the last
value it had been set at before being faded to zero. This allows you to fade in and out by single tapping on the knobs. You can
start and stop several knobs simultaneously in this way, for example you could gradually fade out all four knobs at once.
The Knob Automation Time species how long it takes a knob to automate between the two values.
Record Count In
If recording a loop when no other loops are playing, the number of beats you select will be “counted in”
before recording starts.
Audio Latency
Low latency is perfect for any performance and is fully compatible when using AudioBus. If you have an older device
and you are using lots of CPU intensive 3
party apps in the background, you may need to set audio latency to High
(Slow Devices) to avoid audio clicks due to limited shared CPU resources. The latest and greatest iOS devices generally
have no problem managing several audio processing apps simultaneously.
Performance Recording
If you are shy and you would rather not record the front facing camera video into your performances, you can disable
face recording and select “screen only”. You will still end up with a compelling video as your audience will be able to see
all screen activity that went into creating your masterpiece.
Stop Audio When In the Background
When using AudioBus you generally want Voice Jam Studio to stop audio when you move to the background since
AudioBus will maintain the streaming connection on its own. The case where you might want it to play in the background
is when you are not using AudioBus but you are MIDI syncing to a 3
party app and you want to switch to that app without
Voice Jam Studio stopping.
Syncing to an App
One or more apps can communicate together using Apples virtual MIDI protocol. Voice Jam Studio can slavesync
with any app capable of generating MIDI clock output and capable of following the industry standard MIDI standards
when it comes to MIDI syncing behaviours. Open the 3
party app and select Voice Jam Studio as an output.
In Voice Jam Studio settings, enable MIDI sync and select “Virtual Input” as the source.
Syncing to external MIDI
Voice Jam Studio has been extensively tested with Ableton Live and can slave sync very eectively during performance.
Connect your computer via a MIDI connector to a MIDI input exposed by a 3
party lightning device or USB soundcard or MIDI
device connected to the Apple camera connection kit. Direct Ableton Live to output MIDI sync clock to the MIDI device.
In Voice Jam Studio settings, enable “Slave to External Tempo” and choose the 3
party MIDI device. When you start Ableton
playing the downbeat will synchronize and you’ll be able to create new loops in sync with Ableton. The loops will stay in sync
thanks to Voice Jam Studio’s antidraft MIDI sync feature.
Voice Jam Studio can receive and send audio from and to other apps using AudioBus. For information on how to use AudioBus,
visit the AudioBus webpage at A third party app may be necessary to get the most out of AudioBus.
Basic Connection
Voice Jam Studio should generally be on the output with an internal Mic set as the input. This allows you to add third party
eects in between.
Routing external apps through the metronome track
Voice Jam Studio exposes a “backing track” input to AudioBus. Anything connected to it will be routed through
the metronome channel. This means you can applying level, pan, and ltering within the app to an external drum machine
or sequencer etc. It also means the external sound source will be recorded into your performance recordings. You might want
to set the metronome to Mute in this case.
Note: iOS devices currently terminates video recording when an app moves into the background. This means that while you
are recording a performance take, you must not leave the app to visit other AudioBus apps. You can however control them
using the AudioBus slide out control panel if the external apps you are using provide controls. Its best to congure your
external apps before you start recording your take.