Operation Manual

10. Recall Button
This button activates presets after scrolling
with the Data Wheel. The RECALL Button can
also be pressed to restore an edited preset to
its stored state. Flashing LCD characters when
this button is pressed indicate you will be
loading a different preset than the one
currently loaded with the next press of this
11. Edit Button
This button places VoiceDoubler in Editing
mode. The Edit screen containing the last
parameters viewed will be displayed in the
12. Data Wheel/Button
When the RECALL Button is lit, the Data
Wheel previews the names of presets. In Edit
mode, this wheel scrolls through the list of edit
windows. Pushing on the wheel is only used to
activate MIDI dump and Utility functions.
13. Store Button
Storing an edited preset is done by pressing
this button, choosing a name and location
number and pressing the button again to
confirm. During naming, EDIT 1 controls the
cursor and EDIT 2 scrolls through the available
alphanumeric characters. The data wheel
scrolls through the User preset locations.
Pressing the RECALL or EDIT buttons cancels
the operation.
14. Bypass Button
Pressing BYPASS mutes the overdub voices
and any µMod processing. The dry signal may
or may not be heard in Bypass depending on
the setting of the DryVoice parameter in edit
screen S1.
6. Edit 1 / Timing Control
In the main operation mode (RECALL Button is
lit), this control allows convenient master
adjustment of the Timing Random values of all
four voices. As such, it can be used to tighten
or loosen the attacks of the overdub voices.
When VoiceDoubler is in Edit mode, this
control adjusts the leftmost parameter value in
the LCD display.
7. Edit 2 / Pitch Control
In the main operation mode, this control allows
convenient master adjustment of several pitch-
related parameter values at once. When
VoiceDoubler is in Edit mode, this control
adjusts the middle left parameter value in the
LCD display.
8. Edit 3 Overdub Level Control
In the main operation mode, this control allows
master adjustment of the level of the overdub
voices in relation to the µMod effect. When in
Edit mode, this control adjusts the middle right
parameter value in the LCD display.
9. Edit 4 µMod Level Control
In the main operation mode, this control allows
master adjustment of the level of the µMod
(micromod) effect in relation to the Overdub
voices. When in Edit mode, this control adjusts
the right parameter value in the LCD display.
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