User manual User Manual

Harmony 110 0-63 off 64-127 on
Double 111 “ “
Reverb 112 “ “
HardTune 113 “ “ FX button must be active first
Step 115 0 to the # of steps in preset 0=Step 1, 1=Step 2 etc.
μMod 116 0-63 off 64-127 on
Delay 117 “ “
Trans 118 “ “ FX button must be active first
FX 104 “ “ On sets HardTune and Transducer to preset on/off status
μMod Style 50 0-24
Level 90 0-127
Delay Style 51 0-12
Level 62 0-127
Reverb Style 52 0-30
Level 91 0-127
Double Style 53 0-5
Level 15 0-127
Transducer Style 55 0-15
Out Gain 105 0-127
Harmony Style 56 0 to the # of styles available Only for NaturalPlay, Scale and Shift modes. N/A for Notes, Notes 4Chan.
Level 12 0-127
Harmony Key 30 0-11 0=C, 1=C#, 2=D, 3=Eb, 4=E, 5=F, 6=F#, 7=G, 8=G#, 9=A, 10=Bb, 11=B
Harmony Scale 31 0-6 0=Maj1, 1=Maj2, 2=Maj3, 3=Min1, 4=Min2, 5=Min3, 6=Custom Scale
Voicing Voice1 89 0 to the # of voicings in mode N/A for Notes and Notes 4 Chan modes
Voicing Voice2 61 “ “
Voicing Voice3 88 “ “
Voicing Voice4 3 “ “
Level Voice1 46 maps to 127 values
MIDI Implementation
PPaarraammeetteerr CCCC## RRaannggee CCoommmmeennttss