Operation Manual

The Looper
VoiceLive 3 – Reference manual (updated 2015-10-20) 123
Undo and Redo
Have you made a mistake, maybe in your fourth
or fifth overdub? No reason to throw away the
whole track. You can easily undo your last over-
dub (i.e., remove it from the Loop Track) – and if
you change your mind, you can restore it.
To undo the last overdub, tap the Looper
To redo (“undo the undo”, thereby restoring
the last overdub), tap the Looper footswitch
Using Swap
Swap is a great new feature that allows you to
maintain your Loop Track A, while moving seam-
lessly between two additional tracks (Loop Track
B and Loop Track C).
We are still following our “Your first loop” exam-
ple, and at this point, you should have recorded
Loop Track A and Loop Track B. Lets move on
to recording Loop C.
When you are ready to record a new Loop
Track as Loop C, tap Swap.
Loop Track B will stop playing, and you will
begin recording LOOP C.
Using Swap
You will see the same Set+Play and Set+ODub
options you saw when recording Loop Track A
( see “Set + Overdub versus Set + Play”).
Choose one, and press it when you are fin-
ished recording.
If you chose Set+ODub, continue to record
overdubs until you are finished, then tap End
Now, tap Swap. You will see in the display that
Loop Track C continues to play until it reaches
its end, then VoiceLive 3 automatically switch-
es to Loop B!
Press ALL STOP to stop recording
Stop loop playback by pressing ALL STOP
(HIT footswitch).
This completes our tutorial.