Operation Manual

The Looper
VoiceLive 3 – Reference manual (updated 2015-10-20) 133
Loop Mixer
We understand that audio files – especially those
gathered from the Internet – can have wildly
varying volume levels. This is why we added a
loop mixer!
When you access the Mix page via the Mix
Knobs, you’ll notice a new tab called Loop Mix.
On this tab, you will find level controls for Track
A, Track B, Track C and the Master Loop Lev-
el, plus some other handy controls if you scroll
Mix page – Loop Mix tab
Understanding and using
the Loop Mixer
First, when you import a loop into an empty
track, we automatically set the loop mixer Track
level at -18dB. We have found this to be a good
starting point for the very compressed/limited
loops you’ll tend to find “in the wild”. This initial
setting will allow you to listen to the loop with-
out blowing up your headphones or PA. Adjust
to taste.
Loop Mix tab with imported tracks set to -18dB
From there, what you hear is what you get with
the Loop Mixer. Now this is more complex under
the hood than it seems, so let’s use an example:
You would like to adjust the mix between your
imported loop and your live vocals/guitar.
You reach for the Mix Knobs and turn down
the imported Loop Track with the drums on it.
Now, you can hear your vocals and guitar
clearly alongside the drum track.
(Remember that you can also use the Guitar
control on the Main mix page to further blend
the guitar with the vocals and Loop Track.)
If you overdub a vocal or guitar (or aux) perfor-
mance on top of the drum loop that you just
turned down, the newly overdubbed part will
not be turned down. It will be recorded exactly
as you hear it.
After hearing the newly recorded drum loop
with the overdubbed part, you can turn up and
down that track however you like.
We like to think of it as “bouncing to tape” (if
you’re old enough to remember tapes): You are
taking the existing track at the level you hear it
and re-recording it with the “live” vocal/guitar/
aux signals that you hear. Then, you’re turning up
or down that newly bounced audio.
If this text isn’t doing justice to the process, sim-
ply import a loop, adjust the level how you want
it, record an overdub and then go back to turn
the loop up or down again. You’ll see what we’re
getting at.
Of course, the Loop Mixer doesn’t just work with
imported loops. It will work with any loop that
you’ve got in the device.
Where Loop Mix settings are stored
Loop Mixer Track values (A, B, C) are saved
to the Loop Slot – so remember to go into the
Looper’s UTIL menu and use Save.
The other mix settings are global, so the Loop
Mix is a bit different – but who wants to have to
redo all those volume tweaks every time you load
a Loop Slot? We sure don’t!