Operation Manual

VoiceLive 3 – Reference manual (updated 2015-10-20) 145
Aux Gain parameter
Use the Aux Gain parameter to control the level
of the signal received at the Aux input jack. If you
are getting distortion when connecting an exter-
nal music source to the Aux input, try turning this
control down.
Aux Vocal Cancel parameter
When you activate Aux Vocal Cancel, VoiceLive 3
will attempt to remove vocals from recorded ste-
reo music coming into the Aux input.
Please note that the ability for Voice Cancel to
“work its magic” is highly dependent on the mix
of the incoming music. Stereo recordings with
vocals directly in the middle and instruments
panned far to the left and right tend to work the
Monitor Level parameter
Use the Monitor Level parameter to control the
level of the signal received at the Monitor input
jack. If your incoming monitor mix is distorting,
try turning this parameter down.