Operation Manual

VoiceLive 3 – Reference manual (updated 2015-10-20) 19
Below is a brief description of the top panel con-
trols and buttons. Full functionality for each will
be described in more detail later.
Genre button
Use the Genre button to find
Presets based on their musical
genre or featured effects. For
example, you may want to re-
strict the Presets “visible” to you in VoiceLive 3
to those that are defined as “Rock” or “Country”
in nature.
Use the knob right under the genre indicator to
select the desired Genre (e.g. Rock), and press
the Genre button again. When browsing Pre-
sets, you will only see Presets assigned to this
Genre, and the name of the selected Genre will
be shown in the lower left corner of the display.
To remove the filter, tap the Genre button, set
Genre to “All” and tap the Genre button again
Setup button
Press the Setup button to ac-
cess all system setup settings,
including Input, Output, MIDI,
Tone, Guitar and more.
For more information, see “Setup.
Press and hold the Setup button to enter the
automated microphone and guitar gain setting
Store button
Use the Store button to store
Presets. Tap once to activate
the store procedure. Tap again
to confirm. For more informa-
tion, see “Storing Presets”.
Home button
Use the Home button to return
to the “top level” interface. The
screen will show the number of
the current Preset and any ef-
fects associated with the current Layer.
Control knob
Use the Control knob to move
through Presets and scrolls up/
down when in an edit screen.
When the “Home” screen is
shown, you can press the Control knob to add
or remove the current Preset from the Favorite
genre. For more information, see “Using Favor-
Vocal button
Use the Vocal button to enter
the Vocal edit screens. This is
where you can make changes
to the vocal effects for the cur-
rent Preset.
For more information, see “Editing the Vocal Lay-
Guitar button
Use the Guitar button to enter
the Guitar edit screens. This is
where you can make changes
to any of the guitar effects for
the current Preset.
For more information, see “Editing the Guitar
Looper button
Use the Looper button to enter
the Loop options screen. Here
you can control several general
Loop options.
When you’re in the Vocal or Guitar layer and have
a Loop playing, the small red LED next to the
Looper button will flash. This gives a visual indi-
cation that a loop is running.