Operation Manual

VoiceLive 3 – Reference manual (updated 2015-10-20) b
The Looper 113
Introduction 114
Loop button parameters 115
Basic loop concepts and terms 118
Entering and exiting Loop mode 119
Your first loop 120
The Utility menu 124
Loop limits 129
Loop import 130
Loop Mixer 133
Loop export 135
Loop management 136
Loop Triggers 138
Looping and MIDI Sync 140
Setup 141
Introduction 142
Input tab 143
Output tab 147
Guitar tab 149
MIDI tab 151
Tone tab 155
System tab 161
Mic Control and Footswitch tabs 165
Mic Control tab 166
Footswitch tab 168
Pedal Calibration tab 173
Product info tab 174
Appendix 175
MIDI CC List 176
System Maintenance/Factory Reset 177
Technical Specifications 178