Operation Manual

Getting to know VoiceLive 3
VoiceLive 3 – Reference manual (updated 2015-10-20) 73
USB Input Mode
To control the way USB audio is handled inside
the unit, you have three modes to choose from.
They are located directly beneath the “INPUT
TYPE” parameter on the SETUP > INPUT page
under the “USB MODE” parameter.
Stereo setting
The Stereo setting works as described un-
der“Using USB Audio as an Aux”. Incoming USB
audio is routed to the XLR and Headphone out-
puts. This is best used when you want the au-
dience to hear the USB audio signal, too. Natu-
ralPlay is driven by this input if there’s no Guitar
or MIDI data.
DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)
Tracking setting
This mode operates in the same was as Ste-
reo with one exception: Incoming audio is not
passed to the XLR outputs. It is still present in
the headphone output. This allows you to listen
to tracks from your recording software, sing/play
along, then record the vocal and guitar back to
your DAW without the guide tracks.
Please note that if you want guitar and vocal re-
corded on separate tracks in your DAW, you’ll
need to perform two passes of performance,
each recorded to a separate new track, once for
singing and once for guitar playing.
DAW Insert setting
Use this mode for “post processing” a previously
recorded vocal or guitar from your DAW.
Typically, a dry vocal or guitar part (i.e., a part
that may have been edited and re-timed, but
has no effects) is sent to the USB L (vocal) or
USB R (guitar) output from your DAW to your
VoiceLive 3 where it heads down the signal path
and gets effects added to it.
Notes about DAW Insert mode
To receive and record the processed audio back
in your DAW, you will need to create a new “des-
tination” track.
Please note that sending and processing audio
via USB will introduce latency, so you’ll likely
have to “nudge” the processed track back a bit
to line it up with the other tracks.
USB Output Mode
In DAW TRACKING mode only, you may change
the USB OUTPUT MODE setting (on the Setup
> Output tab) from SAME AS XLR to Dry Vox L/
Guitar R. This will send your dry, unprocessed
vocals to the Left USB out channel and the pro-
cessed guitar signal to the Right USB channel.
Attempting to change this parameter in the oth-
er USB INPUT modes will result in a <LOCKED>