Reference Manual Instruction Manual

VoiceLive 3 – Reference manual (2014-03-29) 113
Footswitch jack parameter
You can use the Footswitch jack on your Voice-
Live 3 to connect either a TC-Helicon Switch-3
or a second expression pedal.
Parameter settings:
Switch-3: Use this setting if you have con-
nected a Switch-3 to the Footswitch jack.
Expression Pedal: Use this setting if you
have connected an expression pedal to the
Footswitch jack.
Fore for information, see “Working with a second
expression pedal”.
Expr(ession) Pedal
Function parameter
If you have connected a second expression ped-
al to the Footswitch jack, use the Expr(ession)
Pedal Function parameter to assign a function to
this expression pedal.
The second expression pedal can be assigned
to one of the following controls:
Lead Octave Down
Lead Octave Up
Harmony Octave Down
Harmony Octave Up
Harmony + DoubleLevel
Delay + Reverb Level
Harmony Level
Double Level
Vocals µMod Level
Vocals Delay Level
Vocals Reverb Level
Synth Level
Lead Level
Vocal µMod + Delay + Reverb Level
Vocal Level
Aux Level
Vocal Delay Sends
Vocal Reverb Sends
Rhythm Depth
Rhythm Division
Stutter Division
Guitar µMod Level
Guitar Delay Level
Guitar Reverb Level
Guitar Delay + Reverb Level
Guitar Rhythmic Depth
Guitar Rhythmic Division
Guitar Amp Post Gain
Guitar Amp Pre Gain
Guitar Level
Guitar Pan
Looper Level
Headphone Level
Guitar Delay Send
Guitar Reverb Send