Reference Manual Instruction Manual

VoiceLive3 overview
VoiceLive 3 – Reference manual (2014-03-29) 30
Getting to know VoiceLive3
While some product manuals take a path through
all of the functions and features, we are going to
lead you on a tour of VoiceLive3 from a practi-
cal use standpoint. If you follow along on your
VoiceLive 3 while reading the following pages,
you will get a good grasp of most of the key fea-
tures in the box.
It may seem as though we jump around through
various menus and operations – but trust us that
this is a good way to get to know the unit while
making practical changes in the process. Stick
with us!
Theres no place like Home
Using all the features described on the follow-
ing pages, you might find yourself deep in some
sub-menu or parameter list. Don’t panic! Just
press the Home button, and you will return to
VoiceLive3’s “Home” screen. The Home screen
The number of the current Preset.
The name of the current Preset.
The effect blocks currently assigned to the
six footswitches labeled µMod, Delay, Reverb,
Hit, Double / Comp and Harmony / Drive on the
currently active layer (Guitar or Vocal).
Using the Control knob
While on the Home screen, the Control Knob
moves through Presets.
Turning the knob clockwise (right) will move
up through Presets.
Turning the knob counterclockwise (right)
will move down through Presets.
Pressing the control knob while on the Home
screen will set the current Preset as a Favor-
ite. For more information, see “Using Preset
Genres and Favorites”.
On an Edit or System screen, the Control
Knob acts as a vertical scroll control. Use it to
navigate up or down through parameters and