Reference Manual Instruction Manual

Editing the Vocal layer
VoiceLive 3 – Reference manual (2014-03-29) 65
Vocal Buttonmap block / tab
Buttonmap is probably one of the coolest new
features in VoiceLive3.
Don’t like where the Harmony button is?
Remap it!
Want to have direct footswitch access to an
effect that isn’t µMod, Delay, Reverb, HIT,
Double (Comp) or Harmony (Drive)?
Remap it!
Don’t feel like switching between the Vocal
and Guitar layer?
Remap a Vocal button to a Guitar effect or
vice versa!
Want to trigger a loop with one button from
the Vocal or Guitar layer?
Remap a button to Loop Trigger!
Remapping buttons
Use the Control Knob to highlight the but-
ton you would like to remap. Physical button
names are on the top in each selection box,
and the mapped button is on the bottom.
Use the Mix Knob on the far left to change the
button mapping.
If you wish, set the footswitch to Momentary
mode using the Mix Knob under the Mode
Tips and tricks for working
with the Buttonmap
There are separate Buttonmap tabs on the Vo-
cal and Guitar edit screens. They are indepen-
dent of one another, so you can remap foot-
switches for each layer.
When you have remapped a footswitch, the
Home display will show you which effect has
been remapped. If you forget where you have
remapped a button, look there.
Vocal effects have a small microphone image
next to them, Guitar effects have a small gui-
tar, and system controls have a small wrench.
This can help you to see what the remapped
footswitch will affect.
When remapping footswitches from one layer
to another, footswitches from another layer
(Guitar effects used on the Vocal layer and
vice versa) will be dimly lit in either blue (Vo-
cal) or red (Guitar) when they are off to remind
you that pressing that footswitch will activate
an effect from a different layer. This is a good
reminder showing you at a glance which inter-
layer remappings you have made.