Owner manual

Sometimes, things just aren’t working the way you expect them to. Here are a few things to keep an
eye on.
I’m singing, but I can’t hear anything!
- Make sure you’ve turned up the input gain, so that the INPUT LED is lighting green.
- Have you plugged in your headphones or connected to a P.A.?
- Is the P.A. turned on, connected to its speakers and recieving signal?
If not, check your P.A. manual to make sure everything is set up correctly.
- Are you using a condenser mic? Did you make sure to change the mic type to condenser in
the setup menu?
I’ve turned on the Harmony Effects, but they don’t sound right.
- Did you select a Key/Scale? Is it the right key for the song?
- If you’re using RoomSense to listen for Key information, make sure it’s close to whichever
instrument is playing the most clearly dened chords. (Rhythm Guitar, Piano etc.)
- If you’re using an mp3 player to sing along with tracks, set the AUX IN TYPE to Tracks in the
SETUP menu. (Some tracks will work better for NaturalPlay than others, based on the mix and
instrumentation of the recording)
None of the effects seem to be making any changes to the sound.
- Is the unit in Talk mode? If the HIT LED is ashing, tap it once to return to normal mode.
How do I get back all of the Factory Presets?
-When powering up the unit, press and hold the two “arrow” buttons next to the Control
*Any changes you have made to presets will be erased. Back up your custom presets via
How do I perform a full Factory Reset?
-When powering up the unit, press and hold “Back” and “Store”.
*Any changes you have made to presets or setup information will be erased. Back up your
cutom presets and setup data via VoiceSupport.