Quick Start

5 Naturalplay - Determines whether Harmony in the current preset is
controlled by the automatic input sensing feature (Auto) or by one of
the specific inputs: Guitar, MIDI, Aux Input, Scale, Shift, Notes or Notes
4 Channel. The Nat Play Gbl parameter in the setup menu must be set
to Off in order to allow editing this setting.
The Guitar, MIDI and Aux Input settings configure the harmony
algorithm to produce interpreted dynamic harmony intervals that
change with the ongoing chords of the device. Scale produces fixed scale
harmony (see below). Shift produces fixed intervals also but requires no
key or scale to be set. Notes harmony intervals are determined by the
exact notes played on a MIDI keyboard. Notes 4Channel mode is the
same but each of four voices are controlled on a separate MIDI channel
counted up from the main MIDI channel set in the Setup menu.
6 Key and 7 Scale - Sets Harmony control to a fixed key and one of the
3 Major and 3 minor scales when the Naturalplay setting is configured
for Scale. Scale harmony can work well with many songs but not all. To
use, find a preset with Harmony enabled and test which scale works
best for your music. If the Scale shows “Cu”, this means that it has been
customized at the factory to produce unusual intervals, generally a drone
note. Scale customization is not possible in VoiceLive Touch.
Harmony Voicing Buttons
These each have the same editable parameters. Note that the voicing
must be on before it can be edited.
1 Level - Reduces the volume of the current voice relative to the others.
2 Pan - Sets where the voice sits in the stereo field. Note this only
applies when the output is configured for stereo and you are using a
stereo PA or headphones.
3 Gender - Sets the timbre of the Harmony voice from very deep (-50)
to very thin (50).
When you connect a guitar to the Guitar In jack and connect nothing
to the Guitar Thru jack, you have the option to mix the guitar sound
and effects with your voice and its effects and send all of this to your
PA. This is in addition to the guitar being useful for guiding harmonies.
VoiceLive Touch allows adjustment of the global guitar level (Guitar)
and effects level (Gtr Fx) selection parameters when you press the Mix
button. Use the arrow buttons to find the parameters and the Slider to
adjust if necessary.
The default guitar effects configuration offers reverb and chorus/detune
but if you want to change it, hold Mix to enter the Setup menu then
find the Gtr Fx Style parameter with the arrow buttons. Use the Slider
to select a style you like. The guitar level and effects are global and stay
the same over preset changes.
Hold the Talk button to access the guitar tuner. The tuner works
whether the Guitar Thru jack is used or not.
Basic Operations