Quick Start

Basic Operations
Using the Slider: Swipe
A quick flick along a portion or the entire Slider will start it freewheeling
through the parameter values or presets. Repeated swipes will continue.
A single tap during freewheeling will stop scrolling.
Using the Slider: Drag
Moving your finger along the Slider slowly without releasing is best for
a small range of values.
First, ensure no edit modes are active by double tapping the Slider. The
display should briefly show “HOME”.
Presets and Favorites
VoiceLive Touch contains over 200 factory presets. You can store any
of these presets to a Favorite including any edits you’ve done on that
Loading a Favorite
Tap any Favorite button to load the effect assigned to it. There are 25
Favorites contained in banks labeled A through E. To access the banks,
hold the Slider and immediately tap one of the 5 Favorites buttons.
The factory-programmed Favorite banks are organized as follows:
Bank A - Showcase/variety
Bank B - Harmony and Doubling effects
Bank C - Effects useful for making interesting loops
Bank D - Transducer effects
Bank E - Extreme sounds
Loading a Preset
There are over 200 presets to sing through. Slide along the Slider or
use the Arrow buttons to scroll up or down presets by ones. Swipe the
Slider to scroll through a large range of presets quickly and tap to stop.
Flashing Favorite LED
This lets you know something about that Favorite has changed. Either it
has been edited or the preset has been changed. If you don’t want to
store the changes, choose any other preset or Favorite.
To save a preset to a Favorite:
1. Load a preset you want to store as a Favorite.
2. (Optional) Choose the desired Favorite bank by holding the Slider and
immediately tapping one of the five Favorite buttons.