User's Manual

5. 11 My e-mail
Access this feature by selecting “Contacts” from the main menu, press and select “My E-mail”.
Enter your own e-mail address to be able to more easily send pictures, images, video clips, sounds... by MMS
to your PC.
You can do it also directly from the options while writing an MMS.
5.9 Speed dial list
By customising your keys, you can call someone or access a function directly from the main screen.
Access this feature by selecting “Contacts” from the main menu, press and select “Speed dial list”.
You can also access this function in the “Settings”, then select “Profiles” then “Speed dial list”.
Choose the key that you wish to programme. Then select:
-“Contact list” activate this option if you want to access directly from the main screen to the contact
whose first letter corresponds to the first letter of the key for instance key for “PETERSON John”.
-“Custom keys”: direct access to the numbers or functions you have programmed. If you want to change
them, press the “Options” softkey, select “Modify”; then choose the first key you wish to program, and
select one of following options:
Numbers” to programme a direct call to a specific phone number from this key from the main screen,
Function” to assign a specific function to the selected key,
Repeat this operation key by key.
5.10 My Numbers
Access this feature by selecting “Contacts” from the main menu, press and select “My Numbers”.
My Number
Save your mobile phone number. Type in the number and confirm by pressing .
Modify the number to access your voicemail. This will usually have already been entered for you by
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