
Foldback mode is used to disable the output when a transition is made between the operation
modes. The power supply will turn off the output after a specified delay if the power supply makes
transition into CV mode or into CC mode. This feature is particularly useful for protecting current
or voltage sensitive loads.
SCPI Command Syntax OUTPut:PROT:FOLDback[:MODE] <CRD>
GEN Command Syntax FLD <CRD>
Parameters OFF|0, CC|1, CV|2 .
*RST Value OFF
Examples OUTPut:PROT:FOLDback[:MODE] CC
Query Syntax OUTPut:PROT:FOLDback[:MODE]?
Returned Parameters <CRD>
Sets the delay time between the programming of an output change that produces a CV or CC
status condition. This command applies to UVP and Foldback functions.
SCPI Command Syntax OUTPut:PROTection:DELay <NRf+>
GEN Command Syntax FBD
Parameters 0.1 to 25.5|MIN|MAX (step 0.1s)
Unit S (second)
*RST Value 0mS
Examples OUTPut:PROTection:DELay 2E-1
Query Syntax OUTPut:PROTection:DELay?
Returned Parameters <NR3>
Selects the mode of operation of the Remote Inhibit protection. In OFF mode the power supply
ignores J3-4 (ILC) status.
SCPI Command Syntax OUTPut:ILC:MODE <CRD>
GEN Command Syntax RIE
Parameters 0|OFF 1|ON
*RST Value OFF
Query Syntax OUTPut:ILC:MODE?
Returned Parameters ON/OFF