
For drawings or technical data, contact your Tyco Electronics sales engineer or call the Technical Support Center: 1-800-522-6752.
Dimensions are in inches and millimeters unless otherwise specified. Values in brackets are metric equivalents.
Specifications subject to change. Consult Tyco Electronics for latest specifications.
Product Facts
Terminates 28-16 AWG
[0.08-1.2 mm
] wires
No wire stripping needed for
lower applied cost
Pistol grip (manual or air)
or bench mount (air or
electric) power units
Lightweight; easy to operate
For prototypes or low- to
medium-volume production
Small size; useful in
confined work areas
Interchangeable terminating
heads for popular AMP
Pin and socket connectors
Printed circuit board
connectors (AMPMODU,
MT-6/MT-7, 2 mm CT,
and MTA)
Category 5 connectors
Card edge connectors
(AMP Communications
Outlet kits)
Most terminating heads can
be rotated to any angle
Adjustment available for
proper wire insertion depth
Most terminating heads
automatically index
connectors to the next
contact position, or connec-
tors can be advanced by
hand to any position
Anti-backup pawl prevents
connectors from moving in
the wrong direction
Produced under a Quality
Management System certi-
fied to ISO 9001
A copy of the
certificate is available
upon request.
Technical Documents
Customer Manual
409-5746—Electric Power Unit
Instruction Sheets
408-6790—Pistol Grip Manual Handle
408-6789—Pistol Grip Pneumatic
Handle Assembly
408-9393—Bench Mount Pneumatic
Power Unit
© 1995, 1997 and 2001 by Tyco
Electronics Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.
The Pistol Grip Hand Tool
System uses interchange-
able terminating heads to
apply a broad range of AMP
IDC products. The basic tool
requires a pistol grip handle
assembly and a terminating
head; power-assist and
bench mount versions are
available to suit your specific
n e e d s .
This system is well suited for
low- to medium-volume pro-
duction. Simply order the
standard or extended-wear
terminating heads based on
your anticipated needs.
Since most terminating
heads can be rotated to any
angle, the operator can also
tackle more difficult termina-
tions in confined work areas.
The terminating force is pro-
vided by a manual-, pneu-
matic- or electric-powered
assembly. The wire inserter,
inside each head, pushes
the end of an unstripped
wire into the insulation dis-
placement contact. Then,
most tools automatically
index the connector to the
next contact. The tools offer
precise termination depth
For maximum productivity, a
bench mount power unit
(pneumatic or electric) is
recommended. Optional
feed tracks can increase
application rates further.
Actual production rate
depends on the IDC prod-
uct, discrete wire or ribbon
cable, and operator
d e x t e r i t y .
Need more information?
For information specifically
about tooling, call the
Technical Support Center at
The Technical Support
Center is staffed with spe-
cialists well versed in all
AMP products. They can
provide you with:
Technical Support
Technical Documents
Product Samples
Authorized Distributor
Pistol Grip Hand Tool System
for Insulation Displacement Connectors (IDCs)
Revised 02-01

Summary of content (4 pages)