TBS Unify Pro HV 5.8GHZ VTX - Manual V2

The UNIFY PRO 5G8 nano comes with pre tinned silicon wires for easy installation in your build.
There is a filtered 5V input with a 5V output for your camera.
The ideal camera for this VTX is: http://team-blacksheep.com/products/prod:tbs_tiny_cam
This Camera is able to supply 5V to the VTX which is required for any 1S Setup.
*Please take care when soldering to the tabs, do not solder with temperatures higher than 350°C for more
than 3-5sec.
*The optional tactile switch installation is optional and not required in any case.
On the side there is a touch surface which works with slightly humid finger surface. However much easier
is to solder on the switch or solder it to any remote location using two wires.
For max. flexibility we did not install it by default.
For remote control the VTX channels we suggest to use smartaudio interface