TBS Unify Pro HV 5.8GHZ VTX - Manual V2

your power settings.
A new feature introduced with the TBS UNIFY PRO 5G8 HV is CleanSwitch. When video transmitters power
up or change frequency, they usually send a burst across the entire band which disturbs fellow flying
pilots. All UNIFY PRO 5G8 video transmitters will remain in their lowest power output (25mW for UNIFY
PRO 5G8, less than 0.1mW for TBS UNIFY PRO 5G8 HV) while changing channels and powering up. This
ensures interruption-free racing, even with multiple video transmitters changing channels, or powering up.
SmartAudio is a protocol developed by TBS for OSD to VTx communication. All newer generation OSDs at
TBS, and all UNIFY PRO series VTX support SmartAudio V1.0, with the UNIFY PRO HV line we have launched
SmartAudio V2.0. The new version supports control for the new features (e.g. PitMode). SmartAudio is a
single-wire UART protocol, running over the Audio-wire. If you are a OSD or VTx developer interested in
adding support for SmartAudio, please create a support ticket with us so we can supply you with the
technical documentation:
SmartAudio LITE
SmartAudio LITE is used on the tiny Unify PRO nano. The software protocol is the exact same as on
Smartaudio V2.
However there are two limitations/caveats:
It requires 3.3V level. The standard SmartAudio accepts 0.9V audio level. This means SA Lite is not
compatible with TBS CORE PRO, but compatible with all FC and other devices.
Some FC targets have hardware incompatibility which does not sufficiently pull logic to zero on idle
or start of SA commands. According to the SA specification, each command has to start with logic
zero. The Unify Pro Nano is more susceptible to incompatibility with SA standard due to different
hardware layout