User's Manual

Flying Angel 3G Wireless Data Card
User Manual
34 Updated 03/2009
4.2.3 Internet Options
Establishing an Internet Connection
Flying Angel Connection Manager makes it simple to connect to the Internet using the
Flying Angel 3G Wireless Data Card, after you set up your default wireless connection
profile (see Chapter 4.2.2, above).:
x Click on the “Connect” button in the Flying Angel Connection
Manager Dashboard to launch an Internet connection. (See
figure 4.2-3.)
x A dialog box titled with the name of your connection profile will
appear, showing you the status of your connection process. You
can cancel the connection process by clicking “Cancel” or by directly
closing this dialogue box.
Fig. 4.2-14
x Once you are connected, a Statistics window appears, containing
information on time and data status for the connection and a
Statistics button that you can click to view more statistics. You can
close this window without disconnecting from the Internet.
Fig. 4.2-15
x Click on the “Disconnect” button in the Flying Angel
Connection Manager Dashboard to disconnect an Internet
connection. (Figure 4.2-3.)
x The Statistics window also includes a Disconnect button (Fig.