User's Manual

KIP User Manual
multimedia message. please consult with your network
service provider.
5.2 Voice mail server
Voice mail server is provided by the network operator, you can apply
to activate this service your requirements. Before using this service, you
must save the voice mail server number which is provided by service
provider. Activate this service, when you can not answer the call, the call
is automatically divert to the voice mail server, which enables the caller
leave messages for you. The message is saved in the voice mail server
of the service network; you can visit the voice mail server to take the
5.3 Broadcast message
The function of broadcast message provided by the network
operator, you can receive text messages of various subjects, such as
weather and traffic from service provider. Before using this service, you
must set the channel number which is provided by service provider.
Enter Broadcast Message, you can operate as follows:
Receive mode:
activate and close the broadcast message.
Read message:
open and read the received broadcast message.
6 Email
Enter Email; you can conduct the following operations:
Send and receive: send and receive the mail of current account.
Write Email: edit the new mail.
Inbox: view the received mails.
Outbox: view the mails that are not successfully sent out.
Sent: view the sent mails.
Drafts: view the current saved mails.
Clear mailbox: you can delete all the mails in selected mailbox.
Delete marked Emails: delete all marked mails.
Email accounts: set up the Email account according to the
information provided by mail service provider.
Templates: view the current templates of the phone.
Please set corresponding mode in Email profile before edit
Email and insure your SIM card support GPRS connection.
Please consult with your network service provider.
7 Phonebook
Select Phonebook, enter the quick search interface, you can input