User's Manual

10. The TAV-25 LCD shows the user the present status of the amplifiers. Adjust RF output power to
desired level (see Important RF Power Notice in previous section). Verify that the FWD Power
reads 80% to 100% on the filter enclosure - depending on signal content. The system is set up for
25 watts peak visual power using the sync and blanking signal and should read 100 % FWD Power
on the LCD under this condition only. The output power level can be adjusted using the
modulator or processor’s RF output level adjust. Keep in mind that the system will attenuateshould
the forward RF output power level be exceeded.
11. Ideally, the RFL Power should read zero. However, should a high VSWR be detected, the system
will automatically shut down and cycle as previously described. This reading is also displayed as a
percentage of rated forward power.
12. Verify that the power supply reads approximately 28 Volts DC (see supplied final inspection sheet
for factory settings of power supply levels) on the LCD of the power amplifier.
13. Look at the transmitted output using a suitable monitor. The picture and sound quality should be
clean and sharp. If the output picture and sound quality is unsatisfactory, check the input signals,
connections to the antenna system, antenna and transmission line VSWR, and the physical
condition of the antenna.
If reception problems are encountered, and the quality of transmission is satisfactory, the difficulty is
often with the receiving antenna or with obstructions in the path between the transmitter/translator and