User's Manual

Technalogix Ltd Adrenaline Control System
Main Screen
From the screen shot of the main screen, as seen in the figure below, all of the system’s main
parameters can be viewed at a quick glance. The three main sections of this screen are the four
level bars, the summary bar at the bottom of the screen, and the carrier ON/OFF button. The
level bars show real time system performance and help illustrate any transient changes that
occur. The FORWARD POWER and REFLECTED POWER level bars can also be shown in
watts (a full description of how to do this is found in the SETTINGS section. The summary bar at
the bottom of the screen will stay in place no matter what screen is being viewed to allow for an
operating summary at any time. Also from any screen, the transmitter’s carrier can be turned on
or off to facilitate adjustments, settings, and testing/troubleshooting.
The following breakdown describes the Main Screen features in further detail:
Toggles between Main Screen and Menu Screen. The menu screen has
additional settings and monitoring over the Main Screen, and is illustrated in the
next section.
Forward RF power level in % out of 100 or watts. Mimics data from level bar.
Overdrive protection starts at 110% where the power amplifier folds back power
by adding attenuation to the power amplifier input until a safe level obtained.
System continually checks power level and tries to bring RF power level back to
where it was when the fault occurred. If overdrive occurs, a warning is also
displayed in red text near the top of the touchscreen and the event recorder logs
the event.