User's Manual

Options : PCI Slot , AGP.
IDE HDD Block Mode
IDE Block Mode allows the controller to access blocks of sectors rather than a
single sector at a time. The default is Enabled.
Enabled: Enabled IDE HDD Block Mode. Provides higher HDD transfer rates.
Disabled: Disabled IDE HDD Block Mode.
POWER ON Function
Enables computer power on by keyboard, mouse ,or hotkey activity. The default is
Hot KEY.
Password: Requires you to enter a password when using the keyboard to power
on. Set the password in the next field ʵ˞˕ʳˣ˸ʳˢˡʳˣ˴˷ˁʵʳ
˕ʳ ˢˡ˟ˬˍʳ ˥˸˼˸ʳ ʳ ʳ ˻ʳ ˻˸ʳ ˶˸ʳ ˸ʳ ˵ʳ ʳ ˸ʳ ʳ ˻˸ʳ
KB Power ON Password
Press ʵ˘˸ʵʳʳ˶˸˴˸ʳ˴ʳ˴˷ʳ˻˴ʳ˼ʳ˸˼˸˷ʳ˻˸ʳʳ˸ʳ˻˸ʳ˾˸˵˴˷ʳʳʳ
Hot key power ON
Enables you to set a hot key combination to be used for powering on the system.
The default is Ctrl-F1.
Options: Ctrl-F1~Ctrl F12.
Onboard FDD Controller
Select Enabled if your system has a floppy disk controller(FDC) installed on the
System board and you wish to use it. If you install an and-in FDC or the system
has no floppy drive, select Disabled in this field.
Options: Disabled , Enabled.