User's Manual

6.10 Frequency/Voltage Control
This section shows the user how to configure the processor frequency.
Phoenix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
Frequency/Voltage Control
Auto Detect PCI Clk
Spread Spectrum
Auto Detect PCI Clk
When enabled the mainboard automatically disables the clock source for a PCI slot
which does not have a module in it, reducing EMI (ElectroMagnetic Interference).
The default is Enabled.
Spread Spectrum
If you enabled spread spectrum, it can significantly reduce the EMI
(ElectroMagnetic Interference) generated by the system.
6.11 Load Fail-Safe Defaults
When you press <Enter> on this item you get a confirmation dialog box:
Load Fail-Safe Defaults (Y/N)? N
Pressing ʺˬʺʳ ˿˴˷ʳ˻˸ʳ˕˜ˢ˦ʳ ˷˸˹˴˿ʳ˴˿˸ʳ ˹ʳ ˻˸ʳʳ˴˵˿˸ʿʳ ˼˼˴˿ˀ˸˹˴˶˸ʳ
6.12 Load Optimized Defaults
When you press <Enter> on this item you get a confirmation dialog box:
Load Optimized Defaults (Y/N)? N
Pressing ʺˬʺʳ˿˴˷ʳ˻˸ʳ˷˸˹˴˿ʳ˴˿˸ʳ˻˴ʳ˴˸ʳ˹˴˶ʳ˸˼˺ʳ˹ʳ˼˴˿ʳ˸˹˴˶˸ʳ
6.13 Set Supervisor/User Password
These items are used to install a password. A Supervisor password takes
precedence over a User password , and the Supervisor limits the activities of a
You can set either a supervisor or user password , or both of them:
Supervisor password: authorized to enter and change the options of the setup