
NL Manual Configuration
> Select [Manual Seings] and then [Wireless] to start manual configuration.
> Now select whether you want your router to automatically retrieve the IP address, gateway, etc. from your router (DHCP
enabled) or enter it manually (DHCP disabled).
Please note that automatic retrieval of the IP address, gateway, subnet mask only works if the DHCP function is enabled
in your router.
> Enter the IP address, subnet mask, gateway address, primary DNS and, if required, secondary DNS in sequence using the
arrow keys on the remote control. Confirm each value you set by pressing OK.
> Now enter the name (SSID) of your WLAN network using the virtual keyboard and confirm by selecting OK.
> Select whether your WLAN network is Open or encrypted with WEP or WPA/WPA2 and confirm the following item.
> Finally, enter your WLAN password via the virtual keyboard and confirm by selecting OK to start the connection process.
Usually the WLAN connection can be used aer a few seconds.
15.2.2 Display seings
> Select [Display Seings] to display the current network seings.
15.2.3 NetRemote PIN setup
Under certain circumstances it may be necessary to secure the connection to the radio with a PIN.
> Enter a 4-digit PIN in [NetRemote PIN Setup].
15.2.4 Deleting a network profile
Use this menu item to terminate an existing connection to a WLAN and to delete the seings carried out. If you want to
reconnect the device to this network, all seings will need to be carried out again.