
7 FM mode
7.1 Switching on FM radio mode
> Press the MODE buon repeatedly until [FM] appears in the display.
When first switched on the frequency is set to 87.50 MHz.
If you have already set or saved a station, the radio plays the first station set.
With RDS stations, the station name appears.
Realign the antenna if necessary to improve reception.
7.2 FM reception with RDS information
RDS is a procedure for broadcasting additional information via FM stations. Broadcasters with RDS broadcast their station name
or the programme type, for example. This appears in the display.
The device can show the following RDS information:
RT (radio text),
PS (station name),
PTY (programme type).
7.3 Manual station scan
> Turn the SCROLL&SELECT knob or press p or q to set the station you want.
The display shows the frequency in increments of 0.05 MHz.