Operation Manual

The display (4) features the RDS information RT (Radio text), PS (Station name), PTY (Programme type),
provided that the selected station broadcasts these data.
Align the antenna to improve reception (section 4.3.2).
11.1 Manual station scan
> Press the TUNING r/s buons on the remote control (6, 25) or on the device (10, 9) as oen as
required until the frequency of the radio station you want is reached.
The frequency will be adjusted in 50 kHz steps. However, given that the display (4) shows the
broadcasting frequency in MHz, the display changes accordingly in steps of 0.05 MHz.
11.2 Automatic station scan
> Press SCAN (15) or hold the TUNING r/s buons for approx. 1 second on the remote control to start
the scan.
If a FM station with sufficient signal intensity is found, the scan stops and the station is played.
Via MENU > Scan setting, you can set whether the scan only stops at stations with a strong signal
(Strong stations only? > YES) or also at stations with a weaker signal (Strong stations only? > NO).
11.3 Saving FM stations to a memory slot
The programme memory can save up to 10 stations in the FM range. These are not lost even if there is a
power cut.
> As described above, select the FM station you wish to store on a memory slot.
> During playback, press and hold the PRESET buon on the remote control (18) or on the device (8) until
the list Save preset appears.