Operation Manual

> Now enter the name (SSID) of your WLAN network with the r/s PRESET, VOL+, VOL- buttons and
confirm with OK.
> Select whether your WLAN network is Open, encrypted by WEP or by WPA/WPA2 and confirm the
following item.
> Now enter your WLAN password using the r/s PRESET, VOL+, VOL- buttons and confirm your selection
with OK to start the connection process.
In general, the WLAN connection can be used after a few seconds. Display seings
> Select Display seings to display the current network seings. NetRemote PIN setup
Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to secure the connection to the DIGITRADIO with a PIN.
> Enter a 4-digit PIN in NetRemote PIN setup. Delete network profile
Use this menu item to end an existing connection to a WLAN and to delete the settings made.
If you wish to connect the device to this network again, you must carry out all settings again. Delete seings
Activate this setting to delete the access data to the set WLAN. All other settings are retained.