Installation guide

Active branch distributor 17/2A (Art. No. 0000/3270)
This system element allows you to distribute in one device the signals of a multiple trunk line
to two multiple sub-trunks.
The trunk lines have almost no damping effect, and are permeable for direct current. The
branch distributors provide slope rectification. The 17/2A can be cascaded up to six times to
provide signals for the sub-distributions for individual floors in a high-rise building, or for
several houses in a row or cluster of houses.
The device does not feed the trunks, and is it fed by the sub-trunks 1.
At the trunk output of the last 17/2A must be connected a 17/8G to feed the cascading units
and the intermediate amplifiers of this multiple trunk as well as the LNB’s.
Intermediate amplifier 17Z (Art. No. 0000/3269)
The amplification levels as well as the fixed slope rectification of this unit are specifically
designed to compensate the damping caused by cables and/or components of 13dB at
The amplification of the terrestrial path is adjustable.
It combines all horizontal and vertical trunk lines with each other by means of direct current
(except SAT1, High Band); so that the DC-resistance of individual trunk lines is decreased.
Passive distributor 17P (Art. No. 0000/3268)
This device has a maximum damping of 4dB and distributes the signals of the 16 satellite IF
planes and of the terrestrial path to two outputs. One of the outputs provides direct current
decoupling in order to prevent any mutual interference by the power supplies feeding in cur-
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