Installation guide

7 Trouble-shouting guide
Problem Possible causes Solution
No reception on any
polarisation planes
Antenna not positioned cor-
Receiver incorrectly set
No operating current for LNB
or auxiliary equipment
Use a calibration instrument or a receiver to
check the signals at a LNB and then at a dis-
Check that the settings of the receiving equip-
ment are correct.
Check the voltage fed into the LNB from the
17/8G, by disconnecting the appropriate cable,
and measuring it using a needle stuck into the
Still no reception,
control LED on main
adapter blinking, no
operating current
Particularly with large-scale
installations, there is an
increased likelihood of a
short-circuit in the trunk co-
axial cables, somewhere bet-
ween the core lead and the
shielding mesh (copper
thread), or this may develop
(e.g. through heat).
Power supply is overloaded
(I, max > 2,2A)
green LED:
- flashes, if 18V are at the “horizontal Sat-“
Inputs of the 17/8G
- is blinking or switched off, if there is a short
on 18V or an overload (on 18V and 13V).
yellow LED:
- flashes, if 13V are at the “vertical Sat-“
Inputs of the 17/8G
- is switched off or of a darker light, if you
have a short or overload at 13V.
Check your calculation regarding the load of
the power supplies ? If o.k, disconnect indivi-
dual units of the installation by disconnecting
the trunk line connectors, in order to identify
the location of the short circuit. Be careful not
to cause other short circuits while you are
doing this. The exact location can be pinpoin-
ted by measuring the resistance.
Operating voltage
(LNB voltage on trunk
lines) too low
On long cable stretches, the
drop-off in voltage via cable or
components may be too great.
In large-scale installations, check your voltage
drop calculation.
Install an additional power supply unit.
No reception or incor-
rect program on indi-
vidual polarization
LNB connections or trunk lines
may have been switched
around, or core lead is too
Take note that direct current
feed is not provided at all out-
puts of all Quattro LNB’s
- Check both the connectors and the allocati-
- Check the signal directly on the LNB connec-
- Note: Check reception of several satellites to
determine possible differences required in
LNB feed.
GigaSystem_17_8_deu_engl_23112011_3.qxp 28.11.2011 09:34 Seite 40