Getting Started Guide

Using the Context Menu
The Context Menu is accessible from almost everywhere in your device. It offers useful contextual
functions that are relevant to what you are currently doing on your Mantis. For example, if you
are looking for a specific action or shortcut, chances are you can find it in the Context Menu.
To activate the Context Menu, hold Ctrl then press M. The Ctrl key is located in the front left
corner of your QWERTY keyboard. A menu opens with a list of actions you can perform at that
particular moment. Scroll through this menu until you find what you are looking for, and then
press Enter or any Cursor Routing button.
Accessing the Built-in User Guide
To access the build-in user guide, activate the Library item from the Main Menu, then select User
Guide. There you find the complete user guide along with a command reference. This is where to
find the most up-to-date information, as well as other resources to help you make the most of
your Mantis Q40.
Alternatively, you can download the user guide from