User's Manual

Page 28
Colors (Select from 16 color pairs):
Black on White*, White on Black,
Yellow on Black, Orange on Black,
Cyan on Black, Purple on Black, Green
on Black, Black on Green, Black on
Purple, Black on Cyan, Black on
Orange, Black on Yellow, Blue on
Yellow, Yellow on Blue, White on Blue,
Blue on Black
Locator Color (change the locator’s
color): Red*, Orange, Yellow, Purple,
Cyan, Green, Blue
Preferred Zoom (change the locator’s
initial zoom level): 2 to 35x (4x*)
2. Text contains the following settings:
Reading Mode: Page*, Column, Line
Reading Speed: Very slow, Slow,
Normal*, Fast, Very fast
Font Size: Minimum, Small, Medium,
Standard*, Large, Very large, Extra
large, Maximum
Font Type: Regular, Bold*
3. Camera contains the following setting:
Working Range (Camera’s focus on
work area): Close-up*, Full Page