User's Manual Part 2

2) The default IP address of the device is; make sure
this address is not used by another PC or device. In case that two
computers or devices share the same IP addresses, change
either to a different address.
4. Q: I cannot access Internet and send/receive emails; what
should I do?
This problem mainly happens to users who use the PPPoE or
Dynamic IP Internet connection type. You need to change the
MTU size (1492 by default). In this case, go to “WAN Settingsto
change the MTU value from default 1480 to 1450 or 1400, etc.
5. Q: How do I share resources on my computer with users on
Internet through the device?
To let Internet users access internal servers on your LAN such as
e-mail server, Web, FTP, via the device, use the "Virtual Server"
feature. To do so, follow steps below:
Step 1: Create your internal server, make sure the LAN users can
access these servers and you need to know related service ports, for
example, port number for Web server is 80; FTP is 21; SMTP is 25
and POP3 is 110.
Step 2: Enter Port Forwarding (also called Port Range Forwarding
on some products) screen from device web UI.
Step 3: Complete the Start Port (also called External/Ext Port on
some products) and End Port (also known as Internal/Int Port on
some products) fields, say, 80-80.
Step 5: Input the internal servers IP address. For example,
assuming that your Web servers IP address is 192.168. 0.10, then
simply input it.
Select a proper protocol type: TCP, UDP, or Both depending on
which protocol(s) your internal host is using.
Click Enable and save your settings.
For your reference, we collected a list of some well-known
service ports as follows: