User's Manual

Tecno A675_T463
- Use as: Use as incoming call.
- Add to playlistAdd this track to the new playlist
- Mark severalMore tracks can be selected for a number of operations
- Details: Details see the song
- Search: Quick search by song
ArtistsChoose the artist list, you can use the artist’s form, playing the album in
AlbumsSelect the album list, you can use the album in the form of play in the
album in songs.
GenresSelect the genre list, you can use the form of schools, play the songs in
the genre
Music Player:
- Up KeyMusic playlist
- Down KeyStop Music Player
- Left Key: play previous song
- Long press Left KeyFast forward
- Right Key: play next song
- Long press Right Key: fast rewind
- OK Key: Music Player pause or play
- Left Soft keyoption of Media playerMusic playlistSpectrumlyricsdetail
and Media settings
- Right Soft keyExit interface of Music Player
- * Key: Turn down the volume of Music Player
- # Key: Turn up the volume of Music Player
- 1 Key: Press 1 Key, full Screen or normal Screen play.
MovieMobile phone memory card and display all the video
Video Player:
- Up Keyfull Screen play
- Down KeyStop Video Player
- Left Key: play previous video
- Long press Left KeyFast forward
- Right Key: play next video
- Long press: fast rewind
- OK Key: Video Player pause or play
- Left Soft keyoption of Media playerVideo playlistMedia settings
- Right Soft keyExit interface of Video Player
- * Key: Turn down the volume of Video Player
- # Key: Turn up the volume of Video Player
- 1 Key: Press 1 Key, full Screen or normal Screen play.
FavoritesAdd your favorite songs