Operation Manual

Shirley can move ONLY ONE space at a time for each bark or howl sound.
Shirley is on the last space of the plastic frame and Tekno Newborn instructs her to move OFF
of the frame, she should NOT move off of the last space of the frame.
Tekno Newborn will ask the audience member to make several moves. When he’s ready to give
the answer, Tekno Newborn will turn both of his eyes on and start to bark. He will tell you the
number of times of a door that the ball is NOT behind. After he barks he will shake his head "no".
If he barks one time, you should move the door number one down
(Fig 10)
If he barks two time, move door number two down, and so on. If everyone has followed the rules
correctly, the last door up will
have his ball behind it. Tekno will bark with joy and pant.
(tip : if you applaud Tekno Newborn’s performance or tell him he’s a good dog, he will say
To play the trick again, have the audience member choose another space and press the
TOUCH SENSOR again. You can perform this trick as many times as you wish.
How to make him stop doing the trick and return to normal play, press the MODE BUTTON and
hear a "beep".
Practice this trick a couple of times to master it. Your friends won’t believe Tekno Newborn’s
magical abilities. Not bad for someone only 8 days old!