User Manual

Application Examples
Av eraging redu
ces random noise and makes it easier to see detail in a signal. In
the example below, a ring shows on the rising and falling edges of the signal when
the noise is removed.
Capturing a Single-Shot Signal
The reli
ability of a reed relay in a piece of equipment has been poor and you need
to investigate the problem. You suspect that the relay contacts arc when the relay
opens. The fastest that you can open and close the relay is about once per minute,
so you need to capture the voltage across the relay as a s ingle-shot acquisition.
To set up for a single-shot acquisition, follow these steps:
1. Turn the Vertical Scale (volts/division) and Horizontal Scale
(seconds/division) knobs to the appropriate ranges for the signal you expect to
2. Push the Acquire button to see the Acquire Menu.
3. Push the Peak Detect option button.
4. Pus
htheTrig Menu button to see the Trigger Menu.
5. Push Slope Rising.
6. Turn the Level knob to adjust the trigger level to a voltage midway between
the open and closed voltages of the relay.
7. Push the Single button to start the acquisition.
When the relay opens, the oscilloscope triggers and captures the event.
TDS2000C and TDS1000C-EDU Series Oscilloscope User Manual 41