Installation Instructions

NOTE: The information in this section applies only to the products specified
3.1Safety function
The safety-related stop function in the radio system complies with ENISO13849-
1:2015 Category 4 PLd. The stop relays on the receiver unit are controlled by the
stop button on the transmitter unit. When the stop button is pressed, the stop
relays interrupt the power to the safety-related application. The complete end-user
system, including the radio system, enters a safe state. The maximum response time
for the safety-related stop function is 500ms.
PN-R23 could also be used in applications for which the safety related parts of the
control system implementing the safety function is required to fulfill category 4
specifically (e.g. by type C standards) in addition to the performance level required.
In these cases, the following information applies:
To comply with category 4 system architecture, it is required that all parts of the
system including subsystems, machinery, transmitters and receivers are all rated to
the category 4 safety level.
NOTE: The system is assumed to be a combination of the machinery and its
internal workings/control system plus any additional devices or hardware such
as the wireless radio control receivers and transmitter.
When including a category 4 device or subsystem in a category 3 rated system then
the overall system is considered to be in compliance with the lower rated category.
NOTE: The overall achieved PL must be verified to comply with the performance
level required assigned to the safety function for the whole combination of
subsystems regardless of which category the individual subsystems fulfill.
Safety function Mission time MTTFd DCavg Category Achieved PL
Stop function 20 years 100 years 99% 4 d
** put schematics here **
3.2Applicable products
The following products are designed to comply with the appointed safety
requirements when used together with a R23 receiver:
12 IM-PN-RX107-CERT-01pre4